
User Guide

Placing bets through 1886 is easy. You need only follow the simple instructions to input bet details. When input the bet details, usually you can use noSTAR  as a separator, noSTARnoSTARas banker, no8no8 as ''Field'' selection & nopond as ending indicator. Below are some examples for reference:
Self-selected Mark Six
Single: 1+2+3+4+5+6 no1noSTARno2noSTARno3noSTARno4noSTARno5noSTARno6nopond
Multiple: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 no1noSTARno2noSTARno3noSTARno4noSTARno5noSTARno6noSTARno7nopond
1+2+3 banker 4+5+6+7+8
Field Selection: 1+2+3+4+5 banker whole Field selection no1noSTARno2noSTARno3noSTARno4noSTARno5nostar_yellownostar_yellowno8no8nopond

Horse Racing
1 horse banker: 1 banker 2+3 no1nostar_yellownostar_yellowno2noSTARno3nopond
2 horses banker : 1+2 banker 3+4 no1noSTARno2nostar_yellownostar_yellowno3noSTARno4nopond
Field Selection: Quinella whole Field selection no8no8nopond
Field Selection: First 4 1+2+3 banker whole Field selection no1noSTARno2noSTARno3nostar_yellownostar_yellowno8no8nopond

Football betting
Correct Score:
Enter the score for home team first, and the away team score, then press the hash key.
For Home Others(Away Scores), press no6no1
Home Others(Away No Goal), press no6no0
Draw others, press no6no6
Away others(Home Scores), press no1no6
Away others(Home No Goal), press no0no6
Correct Score Single:1:2 no1no2nopond
Correct Score Single:Home Others(Away Scores) no6no1nopond
Correct Score Multiple:
1:2 + 2:3+ Home Others(Away Scores)
Press no1, no2 and no3 for Howe Win, Away Win and Draw respectively. Please enter the home away draw result in the first half and the full time, then press the hash key nopond.
HaFu Single:Home-Draw  no1no3nopond
HaFu multiple:
Home-Draw + Home-Away

All Up Betting (For FB betting and Racing betting)
To select All Up betting, simply input first level bet details, then follow system instruction,
press noSTARno1 for All Up (Single Pool) betting OR
press noSTARno2 for All Up (Cross Pool) betting

All Up Formula
After choosing All Up betting by pressing noSTARno1  / noSTARno2 , please enter All Up formula.
For example, placing a 3 X 7 bet, please enter no3noSTARno7

Flexi bet: (For Racing betting)
After horse(s) selection in designated pool, follow system instruction to press noSTARno3 for Flexi bet and enter total investment.

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