Autopay Deposit Service
Registration Demo
Autopay Deposit Service

Registration Demo

To register Autopay Deposit Services, the pre-requisites are as follow:
1) HSBC / Hang Seng Bank Personal Internet Banking account holders
2) Your Nominated Bank Account should be the same as above bank account

To register Autopay Deposit Services via Internet Banking:


Select "My banking" > "Autopay" > "Set Up New Instructions".

Select your bank account which is the same as your Nominated Bank Account used in Betting Account.

Select "Sports & Leisure".

Select "The Hong Kong Jockey Club".

Input your Betting Account Number.

Input the "Maximum Amount " to HK$300 or above.
The deposit request submitted in eWin will be rejected if this amount is set below HKD300.

Hang Seng Bank

Select "Bills and Payments" > "Direct Debit Authorisation" > "Set Up New Instructions".

Select "Sports & Leisure".

Select "The Hong Kong Jockey Club".

Input your Betting Account Number.

Select your bank account which is the same as your Nominated Bank Account used in Betting Account.

Input the “Limit Amount" to HK$300 or above.
The deposit request submitted in eWin will be rejected if this amount is set below HKD300.


Autopay Deposit Service
Perform Autopay Deposit via eWin

Select "Funds Transfer".

Select "From Bank Account 1 to My Account XXXXXXXX" and "Autopay".

Input transfer amount.

Click "Send".